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Creating a brand from scratch: launching a new era in business consulting

NFS Group case study

  • Brand identity
  • Visual identity
  • Creating a new and representative corporate website
  • Corporate communication
  • Logo design
  • Brand creation and launch
  • Services and info mapping
  • Content architecture and content design
  • Online & offline communication
  • Digital marketing campaigns
  • HubSpot CRM
  • LinkedIn

The client

In May 2022, three well-known professionals with unparalleled experience in business consulting decided to pool their 35 years of experience and follow a big goal: to help entrepreneurs create the companies of the future, being capable of generating value and sustaining it over time through integrated consulting and digitalization.

Along with the creation of the new brand, there was a need to reinforce the consulting profile, and present themselves to the Swiss-German and French markets with a new business consulting model, offering clear services and a functional visual system.

Ander Group's strategy for NFS Group

  • A careful analysis of existing content
  • Definition of user personas
  • Mapping of services from previous corporate sites
  • Creating a new site with Hubspot CRM
  • Designing a new and effective site architecture
  • A consistent and evocative brand identity
  • Effective corporate communication for brand launch
  • Online and offline branding

Our job

Creating a brand from scratch: branding

Branding is a crucial aspect in every moment of corporate life. When a brand new company is launched, such as NFS Group, it is possible through a targeted branding strategy to clarify the market positioning, to differentiate from competitors, to communicate corporate values, and to reach the target audience.

It was important for NFS Group to convey the values of agility, technological innovation, expertise, and trust as a strategic partner and single point of reference for all business activities.

Find out why branding "done right" can be a game changer for your company.

Creating a brand from scratch: logo design

NFS Group's logo idea incorporates the initials of the three founding partners, Nacaroglu, Foglia, Scolari, using them as acronyms. We thought about a palindromic logo solution, from the gr.  παλίνδρομος «running backwards», complement of πάλιν «backward, reverse» and theme of δραμεῖν «to run», which allows the logo to be read in reverse, a subtle hint - so already starting with the logo - to the principles of agility and innovation. There is a close connection between color and psychology, and NFS Group's color palette (white, blue and black) was chosen in order to best represent the values of technological advancement, elegance and professionalism. Bright colors stand out, but above all, they easily stick in the memory. Blue: the color par excellence of technological advancement, but also linked to reliability and determination. Black: it has always been a color linked to elegance and sophistication, and therefore associated with quality. The claim, also punctuated graphically, "FareFuturo" outlines the company mission, made clear and sharp thanks to the choice of a clean, linear, geometric font. The logo was then declined in the different meanings to be best used on all digital and print media. 


Creating a brand from scratch: content design and website architecture

Starting with an analysis of the existing content on the websites of the previous companies, we outlined the main services: tax and legal consultancy, HR Consulting, accounting and business growth. In parallel, thanks also to the definition of user personas, it was possible to better organize the content on the website, knowing the types of users and their way of searching for services, and to complete a thorough and careful study of the architecture of the site on HubSpot CRM, completed with the inclusion of a detailed form for requesting a consultation.

Brand awareness and LinkedIn campaigns

Making the new brand known outside the usual circle, positioning the website, and communicating changes to existing customers are all crucial activities that must accompany the company from its inception.  Communication activities were not limited to writing SEO oriented blog posts, they were combined with sending dedicated newsletters, traffic campaigns, and organic posting on LinkedIn.  To increase brand awareness, a careful analysis of the target audience was carried out by going to identify specific audiences defined for each service, and a broader target audience to make all the benefits known.


Creating a brand: what are the steps to take?

Certainly, with a good idea and a structured business plan there are many key aspects that need to be considered when you want to launch a brand. It is an opportunity for you to be the protagonist of communication and tell your values, product, services offered and who you are. 
Keyword: consistency, in visual identity, branding and every aspect of communication.

At Ander Group we take care of your brand, from the very first steps, analyzing your audience and competitors, the values you want to convey and your personality. From there, a journey begins that involves the sphere of creating the logo, the claim, the color palette, the design of a brand system that will accompany your company through the life cycle. All of this comes to life within a digital ecosystem where every aspect that affects your company is constantly monitored, optimized and improved. Contact us to find out where we can go together. 


Would you like to launch a new brand or change something about your current one? Drop us a line