A strong identity and new digital solutions for a whole education

Client and Goals
Lingue e Sport is a Foundation since 40 years. The Foundation is supported by Canton Ticino and has been organising summer courses in which children and young people can study school subjects of particular interest - or in which they are lacking - and at the same time have fun doing sports, all in the midst of nature and together with many new friends.
We have been working with the Foundation since 2009, and since then we have followed it through all the evolutionary steps that have involved the creation of offline and online identity elements and the creation of a digital ecosystem to help optimise the flow of enrolments through a website and an integrated management system.

A 10 years – and more – journey
Lingue e Sport is a project we feel very connected to. It has lasted and strengthened year after year since 2009. The project has changed with us through 3 evolutions, each marked by the creation of new key visuals.
2009 - 2015
At this stage, there were two types of creativity: on the one hand, there were animals carrying some tools for playing sports, others for drawing, such as a smiling cricket with a book and pencil in his hand; on the other, there was a base camp in the shape of a joystick, which was certainly more appealing to older children.
2016 - 2019
In 2016, creativity was summed up in a single subject where the moment of entertainment and learning coexist, as evidenced by the numbers and words in the different languages that create a very effective dynamic effect.
The last change is the one currently used for online and offline media: separate subjects capable of better representing the target audience we are addressing and helping the work of teachers and collaborators.

Different languages for different audiences
Lingue e Sport courses host children from pre-school, primary and secondary schools. In order to create a stronger and more immediate connection with our audience - in this case children and parents - we have illustrated subjects that help us bridge the gap between them and the Canton: on the one hand, cute animals for the younger ones; on the other hand, Manga characters for the older ones.

The power of offline flyers
The most effective way of publicising Lingue e Sport courses has always been flyers in schools, which are perfect for hanging on books and are easy to consult.

A complete and intuitive digital ecosystem
A major limitation of the previous Lingue e Sport website was its purely informational nature and lack of concrete actions. To improve the user experience and make navigation even more immediate, we built a website, accessible from both PCs and mobiles, that would help parents better understand the courses available and enrol in a few simple clicks.
The "Create your own course" section goes in this direction: we created an interactive form that well describes the available options and gives all the most important information about them on one screen. The user is guided step by step through the creation of the course and at the end is invited to complete the enrolment.

Enrollment form and integrated management system
Managing contacts from the website and entering them manually into your database is a risky and time-consuming operation. For this reason, we created an ad hoc integration that would allow us to automatically import the registrations received via the website into FileMaker, the management software used by the Foundation.
The result of this operation is a clean, complete contact list, without clones and with all the necessary informations relating to the single participants.