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An E-learning Platform for High-Level In-House Training

Client: Gui Sheng Tang Sinomedica Holding SA
Sector: Healthcare

Source HubSpot – from January to December 2023


Enrollments in training courses and programs since July 2023


Average grade scored in the training program


Certificates awarded with live seminars in less than three months
Piattaforma di e-learning su tutti i device
The goal of the project was to create an e-learning platform in English, designed to be managed directly by our client to carry out in-house training for its doctors. This platform aims to ensure that all the staff concerned assimilate and implement the company’s working methods.
The main challenge we faced was to streamline what was originally a roughly 200-page document, refashioning it into a structured training course with tests at the end to assess learning.


Brand system



Communication plan

Piattaforma di e-learning su mobile

Tool selection and onboarding

We conducted painstaking research to identify the tool best suited to our client’s needs, opting for Docebo’s software as a service (SaaS) to build an e-learning platform. This choice was driven by the customization capabilities offered to the client and the ease with which the platform is managed.

We liaised with the Docebo representative in a series of dedicated meetings to ensure effective onboarding. This equipped us with essential skills in using the platform that would help us support Sinomedica throughout every stage of the process.
Piattaforma di e-learning login da desktop
Learning plan con corsi
Sezione learning plans e corsi
DOC mobile 04
DOC mobile 05

Structuring the training program and coding the materials

Meanwhile, we worked on streamlining the 200-plus-page document provided by the client, refashioning it into a training program made up of sequential courses, learning assessments and a final test to obtain certificates.

Branding the platform

We successfully accomplished the branding of the platform, strictly following the guidelines set for Sinomedica. For flawless visual continuity across the various channels, we white labeled the platform by integrating the Sinomedica logo and the other distinctive features of the brand system. This approach provided visual consistency and an omnichannel brand perception across all touchpoints.

What’s more, to further strengthen Sinomedica’s online identity, we opted for a custom domain, replacing the original one with a new one that fully embodies the brand. This choice not only verifies that the domain belongs to the Sinomedica brand, but also reinforces the brand’s distinctive and recognizable online presence. All the necessary DNS settings were managed internally, guaranteeing a smooth and seamless user experience.

With these integrations, we made the platform a perfect extension of the Sinomedica brand, reflecting its commitment to visual consistency and the delivery of a high quality, omnichannel online experience.
Homepage piattaforma di e-learning da mobile

Onboarding the client and supporting its doctors

We provided the client with a complete onboarding service before the platform was launched. Next, we created specific media to support Sinomedica doctors, guaranteeing their smooth “entry” into the training environment.

Lezione sulla piattaforma di e-learning

Integration of live courses

The client needed to offer live training courses directly from the platform, so we suggested integrating Docebo with Microsoft Teams. This meant that we could structure the new course type within the platform, enabling users to register for live seminars and access useful resources, such as the link to the live session, downloadable materials and assessment tests.

On completing the course (one hour of seminar + assessment test), the doctors earn a professional credit equivalent to one hour of training.
Doctors who didn’t attend the live session are then given the opportunity to catch up with the course by watching the recording available within the platform itself.
Integrazione Docebo-Microsoft Teams
Corso sulla piattaforma di e-learning
"The implementation of Docebo as an e-learning platform (LMS) has allowed us to formalize Sinomedica’s methodological standards for medical acupuncture. Ander Group guided us through the process of setting up a platform that solves the problems related to our centers being dotted across Switzerland with the impossibility of organizing in-person courses. With Docebo, our doctors can get the certificates they need quickly and easily and in complete autonomy."

Lucia Berlanda / Project Management Specialist at Sinomedica

Lucia Berlanda

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