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Navigating the Balance of Form and Function in Digital Finance

Client: SIX Digital Exchange, part of SIX Group
Industry: Finance & Banking

A brand system 

to be used across all touchpoints

A comprehensive brand manual

helping our client manage their communication efforts independently

Frontify (DAM)

for shared, consistent asset management

SIX Digital Exchange (SDX), part of SIX Group, offers the first ever fully regulated digital asset exchange. SDX strives to provide a reliable infrastructure to enable liquidity, transparency, efficiency and the financial industry of tomorrow.

Brand System

Corporate Identity

Frontify Brand Management Platform

Brand Manual


Beyond Esthetics

The SDX case reflects a matter we’re passionate about: striking the balance between form and function. Before we stepped in, SDX’s graphics — such as its logo — were geared chiefly to esthetics, with no clear guidelines on everyday use.
The challenge was clear: to establish a consistent visual identity that would convey the desired message seamlessly. It was essential to go beyond simple esthetics and come up with a solution that would give functionality to any graphic asset. 
SDX_Social Media_Banners_1
SDX_Social Media_Banners_4

Guiding Principle: Functionality

We started with the heart of identity: the logo. Now, this symbol not only ties everything together but its distinct "X" became a powerful centerpiece in our graphic designs.
Expanding the color palette with deep magenta added a positive connotation within the financial sector. For Web3, SDX's product application, we introduced green as a gradient — a shade that resonates perfectly with the innovation emblematic of the industry.
The selection of a new primary font was also driven by functionality. We chose a Google Font,  a particularly suitable choice for the digital environment. This kind of font is compatible with most browsers and is designed to adapt well across various devices and screen sizes. This choice enhances readability and practicality while aligning with the digital nature of SDX's identity.
SDX_Web3_Template_Electric Blue Dominant_Image_green_1-1
SDX_Web3_Social Media_Banners_News_Alert_green

Asset Management made Easy

Frontify is the brand management platform, essential for businesses aiming to maintain a consistent and professional image across all communication channels. In particular, it has proven to be a valuable tool for SDX, streamlining brand management and fostering seamless collaboration among both internal and external resources.

In essence, it serves as a digital brand manual, offering quick access to up-to-date company guidelines and assets, from fonts and templates to logos, and more. This ease of access makes it effortless to share with external partners when collaborating outside the company.

The real added value for the SDX team lies in improved communications management and the simplification of everyday activities, all thanks to precise guidelines, a consistent brand system, and a shared, comprehensive tool for graphic assets management (Frontify). 

A Consistent and Functional Ecosystem

We focused on creating suitable templates to meet the various communications needs, both offline and online (social media, presentations, business cards, website, mobile, etc.). Our main goal is to empower our clients with the right tools, always supporting them throughout their journey.
We've used the brand elements to create a new digital system that includes both the main SDX website and the Web3 site. To meet regulatory requirements that demand user data to be stored in Switzerland, we've built this system using WordPress.
We've developed an agile website architecture which simplifies future updates and contributes to a better website ranking on search engines as well as a smoother navigation. The implementation of a tracking system consolidated the subdomain and the main domain, providing integrated reporting to evaluate site performance
Finally, the revised structure has helped streamline internal content management and enabled a more efficient workflow for the SDX team, while at the same time providing a greatly improved user experience for visitors. 
"Ander Group has further shaped and refined our brand identity by bringing clarity to our brand assets and empowering us to create communication materials consistent with our visual identity.”

Nina Coelho Antunes / Head Marketing and Communications

Nina Coelho Antunes

Does your brand's visual identity fall short of your vision? Reach out to us!